Ongoing Tasks/Projects

What makes up 2001000?

Every Fiscal Year, we begin with a balance in 2001000 Accounts Payable.  Financial transactions occur and are recorded to the Ledger, changing the opening balance to a Period Ending Balance.

A reconciliation should be able to explain the changes in balance on 2001000 and the new liabilities and creditors that are owed those new liabilities.
  1. In the past, we have alleged that 2001000 is zeroed out every time a paycycle is run.  That is mostly correct, but there are vouchers for which subsequent processing make this is not the case.
  2. We need to, on a timely basis, run a query or “statement of Accounts Payable liability” to show who our creditors are at that point in time.  It’s very challenging to run this on a retroactive basis.

Lifetime Opening Balances: FY04_and_onwards_Opening_2001000


  • Create New Departments
    • Select Available “Numbers” with an eye towards what the tree will look like in the future
      • Jennifer will inspect and select number
  • Reorganize Tree
    • Many existing departments will get a deeper tree level that what is current
      • Mock-up changes in FSDB4
  • Link to Spreadsheet of Changes Requested which includes a screencap of the current tree

Continue Testing

  • Link to existing documentation
  • Link to Security Query data Incorporating Ann Fusselbaugh’s Data.
  • Evaluation of Discrepancies data
    • Jennifer can make a “light” version of the front pages so that Christina is not overwhelmed